Things are going GREAT...
Things are going WELL...
Life is BUSY....
Life is Good.
The new year has brought some fantastic things into our lives. For starters TN Multisports is off with a bang! It is so much fun to meet so many new people, with different goals, different visions, but all loving the team environment that surrounds them.
And, as always, getting a few laughs along the way.
Like, if you forget your shoes, then you wear Lieto's shoes!

We are also loving the new cycling kits.

(Can you guess his cadence?)

(How about what he is watching...for the billionth time?)
I have adopted new training buddies...they have yet to discover they are in for the long haul. It sure kicks the FUN factor in training up a notch. A year ago you would have NEVER found me in the pool at 5:30a.m., but somehow this girl has managed to get me there. And this girl always has a smile on and never has an excuse to miss a workout, so our three bike rides a week together have been stellar. Hopefully they don't fire me anytime soon ;)
For 2010 the "trouble" kitty has started behaving better. We actually sleep at night now and she has been taken off all her medications. So she got herself a new toy. She just can't get enough of the little cut out in the top platform.

(No, she has not had too much catnip)
We have decided to work on eating in a bit more (goal is 3X a week). Don't worry, Puerto Vallerta will not go out of business. We invested in a nifty crock pot. You would think we gave birth to a child, as we had more comments on FB about the crock pot than when we announced our engagement. When Mark mentioned it had a remote I believed him. I thought "genius" now you can ride the trainer and just send remote signals to cook. Really, from the looks of it, wouldn't you believe so too?

We now have 3 cook books (crock pot ones specifically) and email recipes galore. We are now taking recipes for 2011!