10 hours of sleep,
Work 6-8 hours a day,
accomplish every workout,
and have a perfectly clean home.
However, this is not my reality, and I strive for it to be, but I don't stress over it (unless I am slacking on one of the above more than I should be).
With the wedding, the travel, the dress fittings :), things were going great. I was somehow getting it all in (for the most part...you see, I try to get 100% of my scheduled workouts in, but I listen to my body and sleep and work come first, or else a colitis attack takes over and I am O.U.T.).
Then things got a little more challenging to fit in and I tried my best to balance it.
Some of the crazy things I accomplished:
Home-made wedding invitations. (This is actually relaxing to me...I do the Christmas cards too)
Run/tan in middle of run/finish run. (had to get in one last spray before the big day)
Extend Hawaii trip (able to train/relax), fly home and be on another flight within 7 hours.
Walking lunges on pool deck while teaching to fit in a much needed workout (Oh, I hope my boss doesn't see this).
The last day in Boise my body said "no more" and granted me with neck/back pain that has left me sidelined for the past two weeks. Okay, maybe not 100% sidelined but only able to do about 1/8th of my "ideal-fit-it-all-in-life".
(A pic of my reminder that life is good and everything happens for some special reason)
So things are looking up, as soon as I said forget about the rest of tri season, it turned and I am finding myself signing up for some more races (well, I am going to give it two more days). I love this sport, my friends that I can train with and taking it away was a cruel something, but must have been a must-needed thing that, now I can see the end in sight, will appreciate the lesson and continue to train on!
At a young age, and still, I look for an opportunity to get a little tan line, living in Seattle mind you, we just had a record breaking 272 days with the temperature not exceeding 70, you have to search these out. Growing up swimming outdoors in the summer we would take “bathroom” breaks to check out if we had the tan lines yet, by end of summer we would have permanent goggles lines!
But at the races, it was much different. Our coach would have us in the shade or any place where the sun could not find us. I remember racing at ASU and having to sit in the wet, grimy, locker room for hours because the heat and sun on the pool deck was unbearable.
This “sun effect” does not just happen on race day, but the days leading up to a race too. Sunscreen should be your best friend. And I have a new best friend…it is called SCAPE.
I have been anxiously waiting to try out this hot new product, but with indoor rides and being covered from head to toe on runs, the opportunity did not arise until Honu 70.3.
Here was my testing of my new found LOVE.

Day two in Hawaii was a three hour ride. I lathered with the yellow bottle (missing a dollar-coin size portion on my back) and headed out onto the Queen K. Three hour came and went and just as I was like a kid at the pool, I walked in the front door and headed straight over to check out the tan lines. Was shocked to find zero, except for the one little patch that was red, swollen, and painful (I may need to hire a new sunscreen applicator!).

(Evidence that I was pasty white starting the race)
I was sold! And told my athletes they needed it too. Unlike other sunscreens, those need to be reapplied immediately following an half ironman bike ride, this stuff stayed on the entire time! But wait, this was only three hours and I did not swim ahead of time either.
I continually used the product leading up to race day and when race day arrived I lathered up, making sure that dollar-sized area was covered. Not only did I race for the five hours, we hung out for hours following the race and guess what….ZERO tan lines. This stuff is GENIUS.

(on the run and still no burn!)
What does this mean as an athlete….the sun rays on my skin had zero effect on my performance. And I didn’t have to think about it all day (the heat of the sun did cross my mind post-race, but kinda wanted the tan lines then…but they never came!).

During any athletic event and particularly an ironman I am having ALL my athletes use SCAPE. The athletes that used it at Honu from Seattle fell in love too. Jump on this bandwagon now because this stuff will be sold out everywhere soon!

1. A size 10 wedding dress means nothing, could be a 4 or a 6 or a 0 in “street size”. I show up and the thing is falling. Dress fit number one was just about taking some fabric out.
2. Okay, so it is down a few sizes, or inches, or whatever, but it is strapless and this bod can’t do strapless on a dress to big. So hunched over trying to hold the dress up I am TOLD I should really do some pilates exercises for my chest and back.
“Excuse me”.
“Yes, like this, roll your shoulder back open your chest”
*I do this as the dress begins falling and then quickly remind myself that I did do over 1500 hours of pilates certification and have taught for years, it is just not my main scope of practice anymore.
My ears turn off and I just “go with it”
3. Thinking the dress has got to fit now and all of a sudden it won’t zip up! I swam an hour and a half prior and am now told my back is getting bigger! I know swimmers have big lats, but really, my were so “swollen” the dress couldn’t zip….not sure I believed her, I think they took it in to be a minus 00000 size.
4. Tired of dress fitting taking up my Friday mornings, I get up a bit early to join some friends on a ride. Needless to say, the alterations lady was NOT happy with my bike greased hands!
6. Bring mom to dress fitting to figure out straps. She somehow likes what the alteration girl does; I can’t make up my mind. So I go with it. A double v-formation type strap.
7. Go back solo; mention I want to go strapless. Am told I have “too much shoulder” to do such a thing….GRRRRRRR!!!! Am now CONVINCED I am going straight to buy a new dress. Mark does not think that is the best idea. I try to brainstorm ways I can pull this off without him knowing…not a good way to start a marriage. But he would never know right? He hasn’t seen the dress.
9. Now I am losing sleep over wanting to go “strapless” and decide I will convince alteration woman that I am walking down the aisle strapless. I lose the battle once again. As she mentioned AGAIN that I have “too much muscle and that it would just be ANOTHER un-original strapless gown.” Oh, and take out 1 of the 3 boobie cups that were added in portraying a size DDD. At this point there is no fooling anyone on that matter.
10. Swim again before hand leading to difficulty zipping up dress…am told not to change my body and to not swim ahead of time anymore….I did not diet or do anything…my body was the same as day one….dang it!
11. Okay, too many sleepless nights over wanting a “boring” strapless gown. So bring most verbal bridesmaid back and we decide we are NOT leaving until this gown is strapless. As I run to the bathroom alteration lady says to bridesmaid “Just tell her the straps look good, she is so worried about them”. Little did she know our GRAND plan. Bridesmaid does the talking and somehow says the right thing to convince her that I WILL go strapless. Alteration lady threatens to beat head against the wall. Bridesmaid says “don’t hurt yourself”. I stand and smile…..thank you Natalie!!!
So thankful that dress fittings are done and I can go back to my lycra-type attire that either fits or doesn’t! And I even want to think of all the hours I could have been training during this time. Good bye to dress fittings. Woot!
We, luckily, were able to leave for Kona early (4 days early). We trained, acclimatized, and enjoyed some amazing times with friends. I was pretty laid back for this event ,although it was my first pro race, for a few reasons, one I had missed a few too many workouts, but I would never take it back with a once in a lifetime wedding and the little opportunity I had to spend with my friends and family. I truly, try not to stress over missed workouts, but knew I had missed more than a few handfuls (as much as I hate to admit that!). I had registered late as a pro so I was “under the radar” with very little expectations. I had a number somewhere in the 2000 (I never remember…although Mark can tell you every number he has ever had!) and with a mass start the only thing that made me stand out was the white cap!
Leading up to the race we swam with Bree in the ocean with her team. I met Jason and Kiet and found out later that would be a blessing (not only because they are amazingly cool people, but because the laughs we shared in transition are memorable!).
We rode the course a few times too, which at one point left me in tears with my feet clipped out and standing still on the road to Hawi. My new husband had no option but to come back and put his arm around me and try to make me feel better (that’s his job now right?!). I continued to remind myself that my race “game face” would get me through these times, as my training “game face” is much different (just ask my training buddies!).
Race day arrived after a week of meals and beach time with teammates.
I was relaxed, minus the 25 min bathroom wait (colitis suxs!). I had 4 min to spare to get to the water. I hurried in behind the pros and quickly the cannon went off without warning….I am starting to get how these Kona starts work! I was with the first pack until the first buoy and the naususness of not warming up set in. I swam solo to the next turn buoy. I noticed a group/line of athletes swimming to my left, way off course so decided to stay solo to the next turn buoy when we would all meet up. And that we did! I had some feet to swim on the rest of the way home. We plopped out of the water, and by we, I mean Kiet and Jason! Ha!
The biking was a “mess”. Mounting was a disaster (pray no one I knew saw me and thank goodness for the “high” number stamped all on my arms). As I missed getting my foot in and pedaled around in circles, multiple circles, with my shoes dragging on the ground, Kiet was passing me yelling “pedal Teresa, pedal!” I was trying but the shoe….blah…then I hear a “ca-plunk, ca-plunk”, REALLY? The cadence sensor was a-rubbing. No way was I going to put up with that for 56 miles….Stopped fixed and was off. Then magically, or un-magically the chain would not go into the hardest gear in the back. Sort of a problem on the way to Hawi…. BIG problem on the way back from Hawi. And before you know it the chain just dropped straight into the frame (I have dealt with this multiple times…ie: St Croix, Kona,etc). I kept the frustration to a minimum, as I know my bike was tuned and ready with all the work Bike Works had done on it pre-race….blaming it on the overnight winds….grrr!
T2 was quick with a fast potty break and I was off. Everything felt great (minus the first 3 miles). Unable to stomach anything the coke and water saved me! I loved the run course. I had in my mind visions of a super hard St Croix run and it was more like a fun, curvy, trail run with friends. I had a half ironman run PR and think I was blessed with it due to the gearing issues on the bike. I was unable to push the bike like in the past and spent that extra energy on the run (at least that is what I will believe).
Mark pulled out of the race (thank goodness) 3 miles into the run due to a calf issue sustained earlier in the week. Doing the math we truly believe we would have crossed the finish line at the same time (he just had to run 4 min faster than me, which is common in the halfs). How cute would that have been on the honeymoon! Better yet though, he was there at the finish line cheering me through my first pro race.
The rest of honeymoon week was spent training, laughing with friends, sun bathing and eating like champs. REAL CHAMPS!