Things have been a whirlwind since Canada. Nothing new on the workout part, just continuing to improve, kind of like the "two steps forward, one step back". I try a new food, body says no, I drink more ensure, then's not too exciting on the eating front, but at least now I get to "try" new foods.
And I do try a little something new one day the salted caramel cupcake, then the snickerdoodle cupcake, then the chocolate coconut macaroon too! (okay, just little bite....I am aware I am not working out!)....but yum...and the fact that it was post shopping at lulu with girlfriends...I need calories right?!
I have spent way to many hours dreaming and believing (and facebooking).
The other day I ran across the street, I felt like Forest Gump.
The first thing out of my mouth to Mark was:
Me: "When I get to run again, I am going to be FAST!"
Mark laughed.
I couldn't figure out why?
Mark says: "When I get back on my bike I am going to be fast!".
I laughed....
Okay, I get it....nobody says that (well that is humble....but it just felt so true...I mean I ran 10 yards and felt like I was winning an ironman (well, what I imagine it would feel like to win an ironman!).
I can't wait to start training, it is like teaching someone from the beginning: fresh, new, eager and READY!

(Bill is an ironman!)

(We love the TYR Hurricane)

Mark completed his 3rd Ironman (Canada '06, '09, '10) and had a very memorable race. Yes, he had some BIG yet reasonable goals, which he CAN accomplish. On this day he came up only 5 min shy of his PR. A day where his thoughts on the bike ride were "that was the scariest/toughest ride EVER". The hail and downpour coming down from yellow lake was more a game of keeping the rubber-side down than anything. Mark pushed through all three events just missing his PR but when he came in for his final stretch to the finish I saw a man with emotion. A man that had given his all on this day at this time, I saw a man that had supported ME during a time that really ALL the focus should have been on him. The two months leading up to the Ironman were nothing short of emotionally draining on him. And he did not complain once. He kept late hours, got up early, did my duties, and thought more about my food and health care than I did. He kept his chin up and dug deep to keep the spirits alive. He had little reserve for race day. He will not say that nor totally believe it, but I do, and I could see it all in his eyes. This is not an excuse...this is reality, a big one for us.

(check out the paparazzi!)
I felt a sense of sadness for knowing that he did the race with "all heart". Yes he had trained, harder and smarter than ever, but he was thrown some major curve-balls and life-changing decisions that are enough to make anyone's "excitement" to race diminish into just "getting through" the race. The final months were tough, and he persevered. He found strength by recognizing that so many athletes would want to be in "his shoes" on that day, that he was blessed to have the opportunity to race. And most importantly he learned so much and can carry it all over to his next Ironman journey in CDA this coming year.

We learned a lot at Ironman Canada from the racing and the spectating. Our team support was so amazing and inspiring and brought everyone even closer. Watching the athletes persevere and making dreams come true was an absolutely beautiful thing. We can't thank you enough.

Huge thanks to our support system! To TYR for the super fast and comfy wetsuit, to Argon 18 for the super fast and safe ride, Mr Crampys for making it all run smoothly, Powerbar for the fuel that kept him moving like a champ. And to the family and friends for giving him the encouragment and the strength to dig a little deeper. Beacause of you he was able to live it up on his day!!! Thanks team!