Friday, September 07, 2012


This disease is no joke and it is unbelieveable to me that it can be so destructive in such a short time frame. Bed rest for me.....Dr B (Dr Bohorfoush, just try to pronounce that, best gastro ever!) was right when he said I was on a tipping point, I believed him....but still like to believe in being invincible on most days.  Being ordered to rest is harder than being told to go do an ironman.  Ironman easy, rest hard. 

Loving to ride.......Being in the moment.....

This flare up started about 3 weeks ago.  I had stopped taking immuran (250mg) because I was sleeping my life away.  2-3 hour naps,daily (yes, who has time for that!) just don't seem acceptable, especially on these gorgeous Seattle summer days.  The doctor agreed, but made me book an appointment six weeks post stopping the medicine.  Low and behold 6 weeks marked the signs of being sick. Dang, he is always right! Give me the naps and let me be ME.
 I have been ordered immuran again and nasty prednisone (still on humira too). The puffy face and hair loss have begun.  The good thing is I think we have caught this one soon enough that, so long as I listen and obey then my days in the hospital could be at zero, the doctor threatened yesterday...not funny!   I have lost near 5 pounds and staying hydrated is a big challenge, so exercise is a no-go. Seriously sore from just "being" at the current moment.

Ready to leave this flare behind me.......
My hopes are that these meds kick in during the next couple weeks and I will be able to resume my daily activities, you know, work, eat, exercise.....seems so minor but I can't see myself watching a whole other season of "Million Dollar Listing", "Dance Moms","Kardashians"and maybe a little bit of that "Toddlers and Tiaras". We are going to go broke with the On Demand Rentals. Oh, the guilty pleasures. But someone once said "if it provides pleasure then you should never feel guilty". Right?! (of course they are not aware of my shopping habits!) Really I am losing brain cells! But I am willing to sacrifice a month or two of training and racing if it means I can get back to some normalcy sooner than later.
Theres is a lot of debating and contemplating going on in my head at this point, but I am just going to stay positive and chalk this flare up as a reminder that I  need to be extra careful with this body I am given and keep looking forward.

Up next is a lovely wedding in Tahoe and being an official spectator at Leadman 250....someday I look forward to that race, it sounds so EPIC!

Looking forward to chasing my shadow again soon!
To all those racing, enjoy your day and appreciate your health!  Nothing can be taken for granted.  I will be diligently tracking the races online while creating a permanent booty mold on my sofa. Who knows I may take up ceramics!


Jennifer said...

Oh no... so sorry you're going through this again! I have finally gotten mine into remission (yay!) One thing I discovered is that carageenan, an additive in non-dairy milk and creamers, causes intestinal bleeding... I ditched all my almond milk and creamer when I noticed symptoms returning. The other thing I"m working on is diet based on Ph/alkalinity which has also been linked to UC and a bunch of other diseases. I'm sure you're all over this but thought I'd mention in case you hadn't. Be well!!

Steve said...

Life is sometimes hard. You stay strong Teresa. I think it is okay to feel like life sucks sometimes. I felt that way this whole week. :)

Take care.

My best always. :) xoxo

JC said...

Listen to your body Ms. So sorry about this, but the more you listen, the sooner you will be back...and back is where you want to be! Thinking of you tons and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Your drive and determination is unmatched.

Marit C-L said...

Oy.... :( Oh - I'm SO sorry.... this really sucks - I'm sorry that this is happening again. GOOD for you for listening to yourself - I think that with any auto-immune illness or any chronic illness in general, it's a CONSTANT learning curve.... what can I do/what can't I do - and how do I stay healthy (doing what I love - when I'm able). When you get the magic recipe - let me know. As someone who is constantly fighting lupus flares - this is one of the tough bits. I know what we've got is completely different.... but it's oddly related. It's a delicate balance - :( I'm just so sorry. Yeah - I've been fighting a more severe flare recently - NOT fun.... hang in there - I will be thinking of you. When you get tired of Toddlers and Tiaras, try Real Housewives. Yep - you may loose brain cells, but there are A LOT of episodes and they are oddly addictive (for me :).

Hang in there - I'm pulling for you!!!


Michelle Simmons said...

Blah! Sorry to har this, TN. Hope the rest has you back to normal sooner rather than later!

Melissa said...

Nooo :-( I hope the rest does you well and you have a speedy and full recovery. I 2nd Marit's rec of Real Housewives, it's horrible but addictive. Kind of like kimchee.

Christi said...

Feel better Teresa! I am praying that you have a quick recovery.

Christie said...

My Uncle is in the same situation as you, but does not mimic your attitude and outlook. Kills me to see him just 'give up.' It is so easy to be positive when everything in your life is going as planned... it is times like these that show a persons true character and fight. You will be back killing it soon:) xo

Anonymous said...

Umm, 2 hands on the handlebars at all times Missy :)

Love ya

Your husband :)

Kiet said...

Having all those mystery ailments this year gives me a small window of what you go through, so many days, I just wanted to feel normal, not superman, just normal. Uh, oh, having a deja vu moment right now, have we done this? Am looking up Seattle Marathon info.