Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I'll admit, I was not looking forward to starting a walk program.  I encourage my athletes to walk often, it is great for fitness, exceptional during the off-season and transition periods and just plain good for you. But, I sat around for a week after being told I could "walk". I wasn't feeling it. Heart rate less than 100, come on Dr B!!!, slow, just wasn't feeling it.  More thinking "why bother", because really I just want to run.
 Not my best state.
But then one day my mind shifted. I needed to get away from all I had "known" and switch things up.  I grabbed my phone (with the itunes) and decided to walk.  3 songs out and three songs back.  No garmin, no watch, just Miley-Cyrus-Leona-Lewis-Beyonce-forget-anything-matters-displaying-thee-best-voice-in-the-world-music.  I needed it. It cleared my head. I felt good, I took in the Seattle Space Needle views and I smiled.
I continued to enjoy these "walks" and added some inclines on the treadmill on rainy days.  Then one day I attempted a 1 mile run, at a...um...9:30 pace.
Within 3 minutes I had that shoulder blade achy cramp feeling, but I kept running. Embrace the suck, over and over. At 9 minutes and 30 seconds I reached a mile!!! Hallelujah!!! And I was bobbing and weaving and ducking and bobby to those same tunes with a smile (yes, I was "that girl" on the treadmil)l.  I walked for a moment for cool down and was dizzy.
WOW. I have a LONG way to go and will not be attempting a mile time trial soon. BUT, I am getting off some stiff medicines, moon-face be gone, and am thankful that things are moving slowly, VERY slowly, in the right direction.
"Good things come to those wait. Be patient"
I realize a big step for me to get back into things is to not be able to compare any of my past training. I needed to make a total shift of getting started again. Keeping things simple and just going with the flow, the easier the better.  I don't even own a bike right now and plan on keeping things simple. This is going to be a huge challenge I am taking on for the next 6+ weeks.
 Just like resuming any training the key is to stop before your body tells you too. To feel good, before, during and after so you can be stronger the next day.  Bring on the challenge.
Walk more, switch things up, be patient, BE HAPPY!
PS. Swimming started this week too! 1600 blissful yards, with no pace clocks.


Michelle Simmons said...

I'm sure it felt awesome to move! Do what feels good! :)

Steve said...

I have to imagine your spot is difficult. I assume you are a person who has always pushed themselves to the extreme, and now your body can only handle so much.

The week off shows how hard it is for you.

Best of luck. :)

JC said...

So happy for you that you are moving again.

If I had 2 hrs of "walking" time every day, I would be in heaven:) The year I was off on Mat leave, I walked 2hrs (8 miles) 5 days a week with the Dude. I felt SO GREAT doing that and so wish that time permitted the same right now.

You are AMAZING!

Lauren @ Forward is a Pace said...

So proud of you, my friend.


Molly said...

You need a dog, then the walking would be even more fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Teresa, you're amazing! Keep rocking it out on the treadmill. :)

And for what it's worth, I love to walk! Unless I have my pup with me, I feel a bit awkward out there by myself. It really is the best exercise for me mentally. Hope you learn to love it a bit more!!

Charisa said...

Enjoy :) glad you can at least get out to walk. I know it isn't where you were, but health is oh so precious! Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Me and my prego body are on the walk program...actually more of a waddle now :-) If we lived closer we could tear up those walking trails!!!
Hang in there and hugs.