Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I want you back....and some Wildflower news!

My fitness is slow, slow, slowly returning.......and then I get stopped in my tracks....and then it feels like starting from square one again. A few weeks on then 3-4 days off then repeat. Not the most ideal training schedule but it is better than having my bum sealed to the couch participating in online window shopping.

The medicines I am weening off of is going at a much slower rate because they are sparking the headaches/mini-migraines that are wiping me out for a few days. And the fear of falling into the horrific conditions of last year leave Mark and I "playing" it safe and not taking any risks when it comes to my health. Health first, racing second!

The plan was to have me ready to race Rev 3 July 10th in Portland but it is starting to look a bit slim with the constant adjustments to my training plan. Although 90% of it is getting done, I stress over the additional 10% that I feel are key workouts in prepping this out of shape body. Muscle...I want strong, speedy muscle! So instead of stressing too much I am left embracing the 90% (90% more than I was able to do) and just going to see what this body is ready for come July 10.

I have a few big training weekends ahead and anticipate to tackle them with all my might. Primarily since they land directly in the middle of treatments at the point when I feel the most functional!

And a quick Wildflower Recap!
Genevieve-First triathlon EVER....need we say more!

Kara- Wins overall amateur in the last 50 yards!!

Kim took note from our speedy stylin' car and placed second in the Olympic and qualified for her pro license!

Jeff and Mark who raced their hearts out in prep for CDA and took care of all us girls!

With these results one must believe there was something in the chicken (or the peep s'mores) at our campsite.....we are taking reservations NOW for next year!

To all of you racing currently: you continue to inspire me, give me hope, and know that dreams do come true! Let your journey continue!


Christi said...

I know that the recovery is long but I am so glad that you are on a road to recovery. Keep up the hard work and I will keep the prayers coming!

Beth said...

YOU are the inspiration Teresa!! I just don't know many (if any!) that are able to take such a tough situation and continue to be positive and thankful and so gracious. Can't wait until you are back on that starting line healthy and ready to kick some butt!! Praying for you!!

LaVonne said...

I feel your pain. Physically and emotionally. Well timed that I read this just after I sent you that article. How true it all is. I am thankful to have read your post, being in the "5 steps back" phase of my recovery. Thank you for the "health first, racing second" part - I needed that! Miss you, love you, will see you at the races this year!

Libby said...

DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!!!!! stay positive, focus on how far you've come and that last 10% is you being smart about your comeback so you don't go backwards! embrace it!!!! big things ahead for patience, positive people like you who persevere! never forget to enjoy every workout and every small step forward. getting excited for all your progress in the right direction.

Kathleen @ ForgingAhead said...

What Libby said!

Wildflower looks like it was warm and fun.

GoBigGreen said...

Oh i hope you can accept where you are today, and know that it will change tmmrow and then the next day! Hopefully the trend is UP and you can race and have fun on July 10!
As Libby said, beleive in yourself,..Dream BIG!

Kiet said...

TN, good to see you again, and to briefly hang out with you and Mark. I'll put together a better race for you to spectate at IM CDA, and I will not keep you and Mark waiting, I will finish no matter what.