Thank you to Matt Inman at (that is oat with a zero as the "O")
Bright and early cleaning the house, then logging the miles on the bike. I always wondered how I would pay for computrainer rides at $5-$15 a time before I realized that when riding at home I rent 2-3 "ON DEMAND" movies and there you have it-same price!
Playing "catch up" on the workouts made for a long day when Mark and I ventured out on the 1:45 run down on Alki. Starting out I got a chill in my two front teeth, immediately thinking, what are we doing??? Of course it didn't help that we had on shorts (check out the new lulu's-THANK YOU BETH!) and compression socks on. A must-have with the new team colors!

I won't say we battled for the warmth when we returned home, however, I got in the 30 min bubble bath before him! It was the best way to wrap up the day of workouts.

Ashlea, thanks for hosting me ALL week and for a great vacation with some AMAZING memories. Your the best!
News from the home front....Sienna didn't miss any of her bike rides....she just happened to quickly learn that Mark did not have his TT bike on the trainer. Good thing that front wheel wasn't spinning.

Time flew by since New Years! From our potential floods of Seattle, which hit everywhere but the main city, to the new company (everything that is not done on the site is due to my laziness..or business..or my procrastination!). Please don't judge, but it is on my list of things "to do".
I was looking forward to a week in California with my great friend Ashlea (photos to follow because I forgot the stuff to download them!) who just moved here a couple of months ago from Seattle.
The week leading up to leave was crazy! From squeezing in the workouts, finishing up final things that needed to be done, etc. I got to the airport waiting to board and realized (after my luggage weighed in at a whooping 49.8 pounds) that I forgot EVERYTHING.
#1 The ipod (full necessity)
#2 the bikini...Hello 80 degrees! What was I thinking!
#3 the sunscreeen
I tried to convince Mark that I needed to go shopping and buy all of the above, but he wasn't having it....hmm...maybe just a bikini...on sale??? Please???
What I did remember....beanies for running, gloves, and the toothbrush! (only one of which I would really be needing!)
Decided to fly into Orange County since Ashlea lives there and then drive 1:45 hours to get to teh F.I.S.T. bike certification. Around 10pm decided to put on the p.j.'s only to discover I had grabbed someone elses's bag. I typically travel with the pink heart suitcase, but it broke on the way to Kona, so I traveled with Mark's super sized black-look-like-everyone-else case. However, there was no way I could mistake it, it had a big red christmas like ribbon on it. So I grabbed it and we were off.
What??? A blue ski jacket pops out of the suitcase...soemone else put red ribbon on their luggage?
CRAP! We woke up at at 5 to leave at 530 ( I don't even get up this early for swim practice) and headed back to orange county. 4hour round trip we were back to the Slowtwitch home and I was one hour late for my class. (Did I mention there was another suitcase on the turnmill at the airport with red ribbon on it....note to self....go back to the PINK suitcase!!)
Highlight was running at 5,000 feet which I hadn't done in awhile, I left out all prescribed intervals because just breathing was a challenge and then in the heat too was enough to make me crack. Oh and little to no sleep due to hunting down luggage, was a factor too, but NO excuses, I had to get it in!
I have learned a ton and really enjoyed the crew here and can't wait to practice this new found knowledge. But most importatntly spending quality time with Ashlea has been treat....catching up, laughing, sharing a room, wearing socks up to our knees and having meals cooked for us has been a girls way to travel. Did I mention there are eight, YES, I said eight dogs here. Nelson is my favorite, slept next to me all night!
Tomorrow we are headed back to Orange county. Of course, during a time that does not allow for rush hour traffice, getting movies, food and spending more "girl" time together.
To workouts, girlfriends and more sun!
I may possibly be the last person to post about the memories of the year and the intentions for next year, but I figured now or never (see procrastination below).
Memories that make this year unforgettable are the following:
#1 The endless cold weather and the hail storm we got caught in in prep for Ironman CDA. The daily emails about the water temps.
#2 Quail shootings and bear sightings while riding. -YIKES
#3 Family and friends support through ironman training and Kona, I have my hands full with Mark doing Canada this year, not sure if I can do half of what he did for me:)
#4 3-4 hour naps on Sundays....nothing like being at home with your cats and then eating (of course, at Puerto Vallerta)
#5 Everyone's health. We had a scare at the beginning of the year with Mark's brother and a brain tumor, luckily he is alright and almost a year post surgery! And Marks Grandma turns 90 tomorrow!
#6 My mom's amazing quest for a healthier lifestyle and being able to run and swim with her (and shop!).
#7 Chris (mom's boyfriend) cliff jumping in Kona....who officially swears, he will never do it again with a swollen eye and bruised feet, but it was nothing the Mai Tais could not cure that night!
#8 Dinners at the Donnellys
#9 The amazing support that people are helping me with in the new business, I had no idea how many people would be so supportive and encouraging. Thank you!
#10 The note I found on my race gear the morning of Kona from Mark. It had everything on there I needed to hear to know the day would go well! Thank you! Oh, and the cinammon roll in Kona!!!!!
Going into the New Year I feel better than I have been in the entire year. Things are great with my health, my career, and my relationships- oh yes, and training.
I intend to and hope to maintain all this throughout the year, to do this, I vow the following:
#1Health: stay on meds, listen to docs, limit additional stressors, and smile!
#2Career: tnmultisports is a go....with the economy down, I start a business (resort to #1 goals- no additonal stressors!)
#3Relationships: See friends once a week outside of workouts:), make a meal for Mark once a month (about 8 more times than I did last year!), meet more friends! Support Mark in his training- If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
#4 Training: Keep getting in all workouts, outline 2009 game plan (done) and execute!
Some things that will not change:
Procrastination- When I procrastinate, things get done with care, and in half the time, I don't get distracted with facebook, e -mails, etc.
Puerto Vallerta meals- It is just a staple in our lifestyle (maybe we can limit them to 6 a month)
Losing everything- This is why I have to keep Mark around...he somehow knows where all my stuff is :)
I figure if I can do the following I can be a on a great path for another great year!