In other training notes, the sun has squeaked out here in Seattle. Old training buddies (and new, thanks Libby for the hook-up!) and the sparkly Specialized bike got out for an inaugural ride. Had to break the reflectors off to eliminate any harassing by the teammates! ;)

We have successfully made it to the next Remicade treatment in superb health. Sitting here being pumped with more drugs and preparing for the next few days of rest I am thankful and happy with the way things are progressing.
The wishes of a solid training block are within days of reach!
Enjoy the sunshine, the races, and the friendships this upcoming weekend and beyond.

Unbelievable how things are turning around (insert happy girl here). Living so much in the moment, I had not realized how gloomy my health had become. There was an acceptance of a "new-normal", a different way of life. Now that I am returning to the "real-normal" I forgot how it feels to be unconfined. Much more appreciation for everything now.
And why, you may ask, did I post the angry bird picture? While away on this hiatus I became addicted to the game (thanks team for the ipad) and (confession!) passed every level. Is that something to be proud of? If you haven't played, I warn you, "don't start"!
But this lil' bird does the "boomrang" and he has to turn-around at the "perfect" time in order to "win". Knew he came into my life for a reason!
A few weeks ago (or a month...who's counting...its snow, its rain, its minus 40 degrees out!) we froze and froze and needed a sunshiny place to hang our hats. Nothing better than going to visit three of our favorite girlfriends, Tracy, Heather, and Ashlea, all whom have lived in Seattle and were "smart" and made the move to Sunny California.
Mark had some miles upon miles to put in. I, on the other hand, had some tanning and friend time to be had. It's a tough act balancing sleeping in, waiting for the Havianas store to open, and getting in pool time, but somehow we managed.

Luckily there was a race in Palm Spring to add to the top of this Sunday or Sundae! A few of us are just getting back into the racing front. Thankfully TYR suited us up in their new competitor gear and sent us out to see what we were made of! 1st place!
Heather started us out with her fastest swim to date (was not a surprise seeing her improvements in the pool). If you can check out her FB video you can see!
Mega-Meg busted out a bike split that HAD to have made the men's (and womens) jaws drop as she zoomed by!
And I ran a marathon (okay, 6.1 miles) or so it felt! My goal was to break a: 48 since my training included the following:
Leading up to race week 20-30 minute runs- VERY frequently, VERY easy.
Monday leading up to the race: 4.5 miles non-stop
And two 20' runs all at 8:30's or slower.
Sunday RACE DAY!
I was incredibly happy running a 44ish and a 7:24 pace. Yes, I needed a gu and the last 2 miles were miserably painful....but I wouldn't change it for anything. Hard to believe I could run this pace in a half ironman just less than a year ago. I will be back, time will tell soon and I can't wait!
Mark did phenomenal with his first race of the season. He has been focusing on pacing and running off the bike and he nailed it!

Luckily we will be back in just a few short weeks, this time with my bike and with more miles to conquer.
My girlfriend Heather has been raving about this stuff and I have been eyeing it for months! I was ecstatic to be able to order nearly the entire line (can't wait for the shorts to arrive!). As many of you know my shopping habits mimic my training habits and so I jumped on the Kinect bandwagon like jumping on a brand new bike or any bike for that matter!
What do I love about the gear?
(cycle short and run capri and kitty)