Monday, February 27, 2012

Training and Coaching

I set a big goal this year. To pay more attention to this blog, in so doing, the goal is to post one, just ONE more blog per month than the previous year. February is quickly coming to an end and so this post must go up!

For the first time since FOREVER I finally trained over 15 hours in a week, not this week, it was last week. But really I could not have made it through without my favorite Powerbar products. Yes, I love the gels and perform but the ultimate is the Snickers bar. Oops, I mean the recovery bar. Just like lip gloss you can find one, or two, or….well, whose really counting, in any bag, purse, car, or any other place imaginable. Those bars are genius.

Also would not have made it through that week without the 110% Play Harder capris. Too bad my husband is practically my size so we are always grabbing the wrong pair :). Mine are always the ones that are clean and ready to wear (right?!). Fighting for recovery around here!

The Shiv got out for its inaugural ride of 6x5’ hill repeats in West Seattle. It was smooth and I am a happy rider again! The watts outside put me in a much happier place than what they have been showing on the trainer.

This week would have been a big week too, but Humira forced me to sleep through a couple workouts. Oh and a stubbed toe, which immediately took off the big toenail, leaving me floored and nauseous and near-vomiting forcing some modification to the plan. Really hate not being right on my game plan, but I am keeping my chin up and knowing that I am giving it my best. Mark says I need to focus more…..I just think that things shouldn’t jump on my toes. :)
Today it snowed. So it was back on the bike trainer for the long ride.

Found some quotes on “coaching” that spoke to me.

You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation. -Homer Rice


You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." –John Wooden

Coaching is a profession of love. You can't coach people unless you love them. -Eddie Robinson

Being your best is contagious to others around you! Train on!


Lauren @ Forward is a Pace said...

Hope you're feeling great! I've been thinking of you. xoxo

Steve said...

Good Luck with everything. :)

Christi said...

Good to hear the training is coming along!

Genevieve said...

Ugh your toe!! That's happened to me a few can paint the skin and it almost looks normal. From a distance. :) Miss you Coach T, stoked to start training again in the fall for next season!!

Christie said...

Speaking of Powerbar... I really need to order a stash! :)

'Being your best is contagious to others around you' - Love that... applies to everything in life!

Kiet said...

First, I stole your swim set for the kiddies, now I'm stealing your quotes, spot on!