I have been putting off posting because I like to add photos to posts, but I keep losing my camera, then finding it, then forgetting, then all of a sudden it is lost again. Mark seems to think it is the medical diagnosis is "too-many-handbag-
itis" that is causing these symptoms, however, research shows we can never have enough.
No excuses, photos or not, I am here to post a quote/thought/humor for each day of the week:
Friday: Third outdoor ride of the year, had to skip out on some work because there was snow and rainstorms scheduled for the weekend and with races coming up I HAD to get out. Mark gets the quote as he starts getting a bit tired (no need to say the "B" word") in the last 14 miles, definitely a time where your relationship can be "tested". So instead of hanging back I decided I would ride like the wind and would
circle back...upon circling back he has his glasses off....the quote of the day as he is in misery
Mark: "I am seeing stars and they are not good ones?"
Me: "What are you talking about?"
Mark: "My eyes, I am seeing stars, I had to take my glasses off for a
vision change."
Me: "Alright???!!!".
Needless to say he busted out sub 6:30's for his 4 mile transition run....I don't think it was a bonk he was previously experiencing, I think it was more bike boredom with his girlfriend.
Saturday: Long run on the water front. A few athletes called beforehand to confirm that we were still running due to the bad weather. The answer as always "Of course, ran or shine or snow...we run (okay 98% of the time)". Run starts with wind at our backs.
Me: "See guys it is NEVER as bad as you think it is going to be."
The run home was the windiest, wettest, cross winds, cold ears, etc..you could imagine.
Me to
myself: "just keep running- the faster you run the faster this gets over with."
Comments from the athletes: "By far the worst weather run of my life", "I couldn't feel my ears", "They was the second worst conditions I have ever run in".
All in all, we are all stronger because of it and we survived! No more waterfront runs until the snow is out of the
Sunday: Mark and myself both commented "Thank goodness we ran in that weather yesterday because it is HORRIBLE out today. Scenes from the start of the snowy/rainy St.
Patty's day dash in downtown Seattle. Looks like Christmas.

-Meryl Schenker/Seattle Post-IntelligencerMonday: Scrambling throughout the day I said twice: "I need to hurry to get my hour swim in?"...hmmm..how do you hurry to do an hour swim...an hour is an hour Teresa. PS. I got it in!
Tuesday: Mark got the quote of the day after his hill repeats: Looking at his bike in the p.m.
He says to me: "You see that bike over there?"
Me: "Yeah"
Mark: "It goes up hills in a hurry." (implying his speediness on his hill repeats that day)
*Well...how do you respond to that??? ugh...can I borrow your bike? Mine has yet to have those capabilities!
Wednesday: I was driving into the WORK parking garage and starting tapping on the garage door opener thinking what is going on..its not working, only to remember, I was at work and not at home.
Paying for parking for the third time in one day I realized I was collecting stickers like mad on my car...then I saw a car that had an entire window full of parking stickers (wish I had the camera), nearly 40-50, and then I wondered how can a cop give you a parking ticket, it would take them over an hour so find the one for the right date and/or time...FABULOUS idea! (oh, they raised parking fees in Seattle too, $1 extra an hour, so now instead of multiple days of shopping, it is one big shopping spree a week :O)
US Magazine DAY (it comes out early at the 7-11 up the street..shh!!) Leanne Rimes is photoed wearing my favorite
lululemon running shorts and matching top (we do not need to discuss what the article was about-only the fashion)! I think they took a photo of me running and put her head on it.
Friday is right around the corner and I am excited for a weekend of training and events with
the girls including a
Pera handbag trunk show for a review in Daily Candy, Mercer Island 10K race and
LunaFest (short
films by women and for women).
Live on!