Congratulations to Brent and Dawn on their beautiful wedding.
(Mt. Rainier)
The weather is turning as we were pelleted by the leaves and pine needles falling from the trees. The gloves have emerged from hiding.
(and here is the mini car)
(and the mini car at work)
I finally paid my speeding ticket since it was at the 15 day mark, what would I have done without hte online payment option?!
We finished off our Sunday as a normal Sunday at Mexican, but this time with our great friends Connie and Jeff in Vashon. Don't worry Puerto Vallerta, we'll be back!
( Mom at Danskin this year)
I chose this event because it was close to home and benefiting the Cancer Care Alliance. My father passed away of cancer 14 years ago, nearly to this day, due to cancer. My parents supported my in all my swimming events attending EVERY swim meet and nearly every practice. Not to mention the daily support of feeding me! I could not pass up this opportunity to swim and support him at the same time.
(I finally got that waterproof camera so I can get it all sweaty and take photos at all times!)
Today (Thursday) was Erace Poverty charity time. At the Seattle Athletic Club the staff runs on the treadmill for 12 hours straight (in 30 min increments) and members donate to their favorite trainer. One of our trainers, Jeff Bates, started Erace Poverty and he sends monthly newsletters when traveling on his missions.
(This is Rob (ie: the boss), I signed up to run after him (ie: bonus points!)
Let me tell you 30 min is a long time for this girl to run on a stinkin' treadmill...ugh! It was great for me though because I have had a nagging foot issue, had an MRI, took a week off of running, then had the IT band flare due to "not running" so now I am building back up and my calculations have me spot on for Kona :) (positive thinking!).
Thanks to everyone for their support and donations to make these events happen while America fights the war on cancer, MS, and poverty.
Yeah! The Garmin 310XT was sitting on my counter top at home just waiting for me. We went for a swim....and well, I have a lot of reading and figuring out to do because it said I swam double the distance (or maybe I did swim a mile in 11:05 J/K) . FYI Greenlake is .46 across from buoy to buoy.
Road Runner Sports is the best (well really, my boyfriend is the best). But you can now pick one up there.
Thanks Mark, I will put it to good use (by strapping it onto you and making you swim so I can analyze your every swim move! :)
I was very happy to finally meet D! She was putting in the work at the Gatorade station, as we saw her there, morning, noon, and night!
(Jeff, Thomas, and Mark)
They also had some social "ice bath" time too. Where they were able to discuss race strategies.
(Jeff, Mark, Darin)
While we made posters.
Thomas's family put together a hilarious write up for the boys. Text below photo.
Mark Webb, Jeffrey Cunningham, and Thomas McJilton have all gone through hard training, lots of long days,
and several permanent markers, but their friendship remains their greatest training asset.
Ironman Canada may be known
for various things; long hills, hot
weather, and bald men, but three
Yanks think the multi-sport world is
theirs for the taking. “Since I decided
this is going to be my first, and last,
Ironman event, I’m going all out,” said
Jeffrey Cunningham, the rookie of the
Orthopedic socks seem to be
Seattle native Mark Webb’s secret
weapon. “ I think socks like these say
something about a person,” said
Thomas McJilton, wielding his 19th
black Sharpie maker, has spent many
days color-coordinating his biking
ensemble. “Whether I broke
international child-labor laws by hiring
Maia Cunningham as creative
consultant is for the courts to decide,”
said McJilton.
With race day looming, the three
triathletes prepare themselves by
shaving their heads, legs, and chests
in a vain effort to reduce their finish
times. The coolness factor, however, is
virtually guaranteed.
The families of Webb,
Cunningham, and McJilton wish
them well on race day.
Race day was a 3:30 am wake up call. Mark and the team did absolutely fantastic and as a coach I could not have asked for a much better day for them.
(Mark running)
Mark had a 2 hour PR from his previous ironman experience finishing in a 10:19.
Post race was spent SLEEPING for me.....I was exhausted for two days following. I did get up for the team barbecue and also for a little wine tasting.
Canada was a super great experience all around. Thanks to everyone who made the journey to support the team mates and to hang out at our pad!