Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Webb's

Yes, the Webb family only produces boys. All offspring are boys, generation after generation. Everyone jokes that Mark will be the one and only that ends up with girls. Ha! With who? I don't know. But that conversation does not need to be started. Here is the line up!

(Paul-middle brother, Daryl-dad, John-oldest bro, Mark-O)


These photos were at a wedding immediately following ironman Canada. I am busy trying to cover up the laceration I had on my face at the urgent care the previous day. Constantly swooshing the hair in front of my face. In grade school I was told the boys like that :)

Congratulations to Brent and Dawn on their beautiful wedding.


Charisa said...

I see no laceration :) NICE JOB!!

Kim said...

awwww you guys are cute! good looking family :) single brothers?! :)