(T, Chuck, Betsy, Nat, Rebecca)

(preparing for her rendezvous tonight)
So with today being a new day, we got new cat drugs. Vet already warned that at no point would this be a magical cure. I don't think she understands that is what we NEED. So I made a point today to not let her sleep, nope, if we can't sleep neither can she. I am forcing her to play and in her drugged out state she doesn't want to. If this doesn't change by next week I am officially doing all my training from midnight to 3am so she can cry through the night and I can be out and about. Then sleep through the day. I will live the life of an animal.
Really? Is this what it has come to? She is taking over the house...soon she will have a new apartment....this girl knows how to work the system for sure!
The way home I always stop by the kitty adoption center and take a peek. I want to bring them all home with me!
Today was beautiful. I ran at my Ironman Hawaii 2009 race pace so as you know I had a lot of time to enjoy the leaves on the ground, the smell of the clean air, and to take photos to share with you!

(Sexy volunteer that I couldn't resist)

(wondering what I can do next to get ready)

(Hallie and I pre-fight of 1800+ athletes)

(bike exit)

(live stream photo finish...thanks Beth!)
That was the race in numbers. I had so much support from all across the country and that is what kept me going. By far this race was the most challenging to me, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I never want to relive it, in its entirety, but I wouldn't change it. Being in the most competitive field of athletes, having an amazing swim and bike split, and knowing that I have trained to my ability at this time. I did what my body allowed me to on the day of October 10th, 2009.
(Can you spot the boys, way, way, way far away)
(Mark came back to get me...or he wanted to take advantage of a photo op)
We cooled off, the next morning that is, by an aquarium swim out to the Kona Coffee boat where we were greeted with options of cream, sugar, and the new flavor of Pineapple Gu.
(Kona Coffee that-a-way)
(The BAR)
(underwater legs wanting coffee)

I am super lucky to be able to sport the new TYR Sayanara speedsuit. Thank you to TYR. And can you beleive their new wetsuit line is called "Hurricane". Ha! And we are living right next to them! This is the cool pic on the garage. Maybe one of these days we can deck ours at with the TNM logo :)

We stepped way outside of the box this morning by walking across the street for breakfast. Went to Huggos for breakfast. Much quieter than our normal Lava Java. Great view, great food and very relaxing. And more TYR shwag. Dang!
Splish and Betty Designs continue to amaze me with their fast, awesome, flair induced creativity. They busted out this top for Kona. Wore it on a training ride today and loved it! Thanks so much to Dawn, Ira, and Kristin!
And for everyone that loves numbers here is a list of participants from each state. I only know 7 of our home state. SAD :( Hope to meet many more.
Three sleeps to go until the big day. Athlete #1644 is registered and ready to roll...and swim...and bike...and run....and then cheer until midnight!
(T and Mark waiting for the bags, and bags, and bags.)

We were so thankful that Bree was able to pick up some stuff we had shipped over. And I got the best good luck present ever. The Hawaiian hula. It will ride securely with me this week and through the race. We met her little man Kainoa and 1 piece of licorice became two then three then....(J/K). He was a little sneaky though.

(Bree and T)
Yesterday I was a little nervous. As I knew I had the ride up to Hawi. After the practice ride last year and the race I was ready to take on the wind. I was ready to have a perfect practice day where I would let the wind be my friend. Lets just say I hope race day the wind is that nice to us. We (Hallie, Aaron, Mark and myself) were given the "no wind" day. It was so clear, no white caps, just some nice riding with the wind at our back on the way up and little to no cross wind on the way back down. I never thought it could be that gentle. But, I will not loose focus on "playing" on game day with the wind as my friend. I will be strong.

(Hallie, Mark, T, Aaron at the turn around at Hawi)
Especially because my hula girl will keep me smiling the whole way!

Six days and counting! Good day from the islands.
For starters, that bike ride I went on a couple weekends ago, Cycle the Wave. It is haunting me. After one loop I tore my number off the back of my shirt when I no longer needed long sleeves and shoved it in the bento box (in case I stopped at an aid station and they needed my number). Luckily, the clothes have made it thought the wash and are being worn again. I spend the whole morning at work, walking around, teaching lessons, etc, around 1pm someone a co-worker says "What do you have on your back?" Oh, yeah, I learned in grade school you don't fall for that one! In reality, I had 4 safety pins attached to my back in perfect formation for the next number I need to race with. Seriously! Not the latest fashion trend that I am aware of.

Today. A quick 45 min trot to Alki- that is an out and back run. Put my hair in two little braids (yes, little. I have lost so much hair this year I can barely make a braid) and was off. I was flying (for me flying). I couldn't stop smiling and telling myself how wonderful and amazing tapering is. I LOVE tapering! I noticed my hair flapping around a bit. Nothing too out of the ordinary just a little different. At the turnaround I was think to myself I was going to set a 10K PR. Hold back, don't need to break any records today. Until immediately I was resistance training all the way home smack into the wind. Hair still flapping. Get home walk by the mirror and see that I only have ONE pigtail. I had run all the way past Saltys, by the Fish and Chips joint, by all the condos, by all the sea divers with the hair flappin' in in the wind on one side and nicely tightened on the other.
In other news the cat drugs are working. Somehow my cat (Brenna) has been diagnosed with anxiety. Instead of acting up for six hours a night it is down to a half an hour. Needless to say she is even more knocked out during the day now.

(Brenna cuddling and being too adorable...now if she would just do that at night)
Called the vet today to ask for a lifetime prescription and she said this was only for the short term?! WHAT???? Humans take these pills all the time! So after our vacation in Hawaii it is back to the drawing board. She is recommending a humidifier. Seriously? For a cat? We have already purchased her a night light. What next, her own personal bedroom and some counseling?